A medication review is when a doctor checks whether there is a need to change your medication regimen, and that you understand how to take the medications.
Why do I need to do a medication review ?
Medication reviews are essential – they make sure you are getting the most therapeutic benefits and least side effects with your medications. During the medication review, your GP checks whether you need to change your medication dosages, start new medications, or stop medications that are no longer needed.
A medication review is also a good chance to discuss any questions or concerns you have with your medications.
Who needs medication reviews ?
Medication reviews are necessary for anyone taking regular medication. Some medications are more complicated than others, for e.g. warfarin or insulin, so more frequent medication reviews are needed. For elderly people with well controlled conditions, a medication review each year is still recommended. This will be different for everyone – speak to your GP how often you should get your medications reviewed.
Remember to bring in your full list of medications during the medication review, including prescribed, over-the-counter, and all other medications (such as herbal).
For further enquiries and appointments, please call Hyde Park Medical Centre (02) 92831234 / 80785100.